Olivier Fourdan . Artigo Xfce : A lightweight desktop environment In: USENIX Association - Proceedings of the 4th Annual Linux Showcase & Conference. Atlanta, Georgia, USA. October 10–14, 2000.
[There are] two major [desktop environment ] projects [...] on Linux, both trying to reproduce the look and feel of Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh environments on UNIX/Linux. KDE and GNOME , as they are known, are doing very well in this, and the developers have done a terrific good job, writing many applications to be embedded in the desktop.
Although these environments work very well on a standalone workstation , they are slow [on some circumstances] [...]. [Thus, m]y feeling is that there is a strong need for a lightweight (but still powerful) environment [...].
[The motivation to start coding Xfce , in early 1997,] came first from the simple fact that when I was running one of these environments, there were few system resources left available to run the applications I needed. It was clear to me that the goal was not to run the desktop (as nice as it could be), but to get the job done with the application. [...] Xfce’s [...] memory footprint is much lower than other desktop environments.
Aaron Cocker-Swanick. Using “Off The Shelf” Floss Software In The Nhs . Manchester Metropolitan University, 2020.
XFCE is a Gtk-based desktop environment [...].
Many desktops are designed to be lightweight such as XFCE and LXQt (optimised for use on older machines);
Other desktops such as GNOME are notoriously resource heavy (GNOME uses JavaScript to create many graphical elements and menus) ;
Other more 'middle of the road' desktops exist such as Cinnamon and MATE (both forks of GNOME) and KDE although these are still not as light as desktops such as XFCE and LXQt.
D'angelo Sabin, Daniel. Migración a GNU/Linux: Coexistencia en un entorno Windows empresarial . Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 10-jun-2018.
No se podría decir que la rapidez es uno de los objetivos de KDE. En comparación con otros entornos de escritorio, como Xfce o LXDE, KDE consume bastantes recursos.
Size and memory footprint comparison of different desktop environments
Desktop environment
Installed size
Required RAM
Required CPU
2487 MB
768 MB
400 MHz
1 GB
1 GHz
2212 MB
512 MB
1 GHz
1631 MB
512 MB
800 MHz
2198 MB
615 MB
1 GHz
1529 MB
192 MB
300 MHz
128 MB
300 MHz
64 MB
200 MHz
192 MB
300 MHz
Charles Craig. Desktop Environments for Linux . Published 2014-11-21. Updated 2016-12-08. Accessed: 2019-08-01.
D.2. Disk Space Needed for Tasks . Accessed: 2019-08-01.
Nov 22, 2021 - KB5007253 released - Windows 10 servicing stack update (SSU) - non-security update.
Addresses a known issue that causes error codes 0x000006e4, 0x0000007c, or 0x00000709 when connecting to a remote printer that is shared on a Windows print server .
Nov 24, 2021 - Windows 10 KB5007253 update released with network printing fixes BleepingComputer.
Microsoft claims this update fixes network printing issues causing 0x000006e4, 0x0000007c, or 0x00000709 error codes to be displayed. [...] After Microsoft modified the Windows printing experience to deal with PrintNightmare vulnerabilities, users began experiencing errors when attempting to print to network printers. Print jobs would fail when attempting to print to a network printer, and Windows would display a 0x000006e4, 0x0000007c, or 0x00000709 error.
Above are all Google search results I considered relevants, for the expression «intitle:"KB5007253" "PrintNightmare"», written in languages I can understand. Completely ignored, due to the low average quality of content: social networking websites; forums; questions and answers websites without reply voting/replier reputation systems; and email discussion lists.
Andriyanto Setyawan . AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM DESIGN FOR POLBAN SERVER ROOM , Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar 2011, Politeknik Negeri Bandung , Indonesia, 2011.
Data processing room, or sometimes called computer/server room, needs a special room condition in order to maintain the performance of such equipment. High temperature and humidity could cause the decrease of performance, and even equipment failure. Data processing equipment, especially server, dissipates high sensible heat that needs to be handled.
Uschas Chowdhury; Walter Hendrix; Thomas Craft; Willis James; Ankit Sutaria; Dereje Agonafer. Optimal Design and Modeling of Server Cabinets With In-Row Coolers and Air Conditioning Units in a Modular Data Center , ASME 2019 International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems, American Society of Mechanical Engineers , 2019. ISBN: 978-0-7918-5932-2. Paper No: IPACK2019-6522, V001T02A009; 9 pages.
A proper cooling system is very important especially for thermal management of IT equipment with high heat loads such as 1U or 2U multi-core, high-end servers and blade servers which provide more computing per watt. Many problems like high inlet temperature due to the mixing of hot air with cold air, local hot spots, lower system reliability, increased failure, and downtime may occur .
Tomasz Bleschke. Analysis of air conditioning system for a server room , Warsaw University of Technology , Poland, 2021.
Data centers [...] IT equipment consumes considerable amounts of energy, which is released in the form of heat. In order to dissipate the generated heat, it is necessary to use air-conditioning systems whose task is to maintain appropriate air conditions inside the server room .
29/11/2021 - Busca no Google Acadêmico por:
«intitle:"air conditioning" intitle:"servers"»
«intitle:"air conditioning" intitle:"server" -intitle:"servers"»
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