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Informática: fichamentos / clippings / recortes de não-ficção. Nonfiction Litblog. Curador é Mestrando em Computação, Especialista em Governança de T.I., Tecnólogo em Redes, Técnico.

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Windows 10: Windows Defender ⩼ outros antivírus

Resumo do Artigo Acadêmico “Evaluating the Necessity of Third-Party Antivirus Software

O autor Erik Baker, neste artigo, busca determinar se é ou não necessário e benéfico instalar antivírus pagos produzidos por terceiros em computadores cujo sistema operacional seja o Windows 10, considerando que este Sistema Operacional já vem, por padrão, com o Windows Defender Antivirus, produzido pela própria Microsoft, instalado e ativo.

A conclusão é de que os antivírus pagos produzidos por outras companhias têm sim desempenho melhor, pois impactam menos as atividades dos usuários, em alguns segundos, e oferecem mais meios de detecção de atividades maliciosas.

Desenvolvimento do estudo

Para chegar à conclusão acerca do impacto sobre as atividades do usuário, foi empregado o software Futuremark PCMark 10, que simulou o uso do computador por um usuário humano em máquinas virtuais idênticas, instaladas na mesma máquina física, cada uma com um software antivírus diferente. Foi então medido o tempo em segundos para executar cada atividade planejada. Já para comparar os meios de detecção de atividades maliciosas, foi consultada a documentação sobre cada antivírus, isto é, sites oficiais e fóruns de suporte.

Foram selecionados 5 antivírus produzidos por terceiros, a saber:

  1. Symantec Norton Security Premium;
  2. McAfee Total Protection;
  3. Kaspersky Total Security;
  4. ESET Smart Security Premium;
  5. BitDefender Total Security.

Inteiraram 6 somando-se o Windows Defender Antivirus.

Os critérios de seleção dos antivírus foram:

  1. não poderia ser gratuito, pois o Windows 10 não é gratuito, e consequentemente o Windows Defender Antivirus também não é;
  2. o antivírus precisava fornecer um período de avaliação gratuita de pelo menos 30 dias, para que os testes pudessem ser realizados;
  3. o antivírus precisa ser mencionado na mídia, de forma a garantir sua relevância, o que indica potencialmente investimento financeiro suficiente para se querer compará-lo com algum produto da Microsoft.

Os softwares empregados no benchmark foram: LibreOffice v5.2.4.2; Firefox v53 beta; e Chromium v55. Foram escolhidos 10 dos 50 testes oferecidos pelo Futuremark PCMark 10, isto é, apenas aqueles que medem os tempos de carregamento e de salvamento dos programas.

Os meios de detecção comparados foram: assinatura, nuvem, comportamental, e heurística. Destes, o método de assinatura é o único não empregado pelo Windows Defender Antivirus,ao passo que é usado por todos os outros. Três dos cinco antivírus produzidos por terceiros provêem mais métodos de detecção do quê o Windows Defender Antivirus: Kaspersky TotalSecurity, ESETSmart Security Premium,e BitDefender Total Security.

16/11/2021 - Busca no Google Acadêmico por:

  • «intitle:Avast»
  • «intitle:Avira»
  • «intitle:AVG»

Nenhum resultado relevante sobre a eficácia em idiomas que posso compreender.

🔌⚡️ Filtro de linha: ¿para quê serve? / 🇧🇷 INMETRO

INMETRO. Relatório da Análise em Filtro de Linha, Programa de Análise de Produtos, DQUAL, DIVIQ, setembro de 2009. Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior.

Os filtros de linha, como o próprio nome diz, são utilizados para filtrar a energia elétrica que alimenta o computador e outros aparelhos, como os de áudio e vídeo. Eles são adequados para:

  1. proteger os equipamentos dos transientes (variações no sinal elétrico da rede) e dos ruídos presentes na rede elétrica;
  2. atenua[r] as interferências eletromagnéticas (EMI) e de rádio freqüência (RFI);
  3. [...] protege[r] contra surtos de tensão, graças a um componente chamado varistor[, o qual,] associado em paralelo ao circuito que se quer proteger, limita a tensão, impedindo que surtos de pequena duração cheguem ao circuito;
  4. [...] expandir o número de tomadas disponíveis.

A proteção a ser oferecida por esse tipo de equipamento é essencial, quando pensamos nos riscos associados a transientes e surtos oriundos de descargas atmosféricas, transitórios, emissões eletromagnéticas e cargas não lineares.

KB5006670 Timeline (Windows 10' PrintNightmare)

Oct 12, 2021 - KB5006670 released - Windows 10 servicing stack update (SSU) - security update.
  • Addresses a known issue that prevents an internet print server from properly packaging modified printer properties before sending the package to the client.
  • Addresses a known issue that might ask for administrative credentials every time you attempt to print. This occurs in environments in which the print server and print client are in different times zones.
Known side effects Recommended workarounds
(by Microsoft)
Installation of printers using Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) might not complete successfully. KB5006738
Windows print clients might encounter the following errors when connecting to a remote printer shared on a Windows print server:
  • 0x000006e4 (RPC_S_CANNOT_SUPPORT)
  • 0x0000007c (ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL)
Oct 15, 2021 - New Windows 10 KB5006670 update breaks network printing
Windows 10 users and administrators report widescale network printing issues after installing the KB5006670 cumulative update and other updates released this week. [...] Since installing the KB5006670 update, users are reporting that they cannot print to network print servers, with some users receiving 0x00000709 or 'Element not found' errors when attempting to print. [...] Windows administrators recounted their frustration with the printing bugs and came to the same conclusion — uninstalling this week's updates resolves the problem. [...] However, uninstalling the update will remove the security fixes for 74 vulnerabilities, including one actively exploited, making this a dangerous method.
Oct 16, 2021 - 📢 PrintNightmare is back with the latest Windows 10 Patch Tuesday update KB5006670
Many users over the world started reporting printing problems when connected to a network printer. If you have just received the error "0x00000709" or "Element not found" while printing, you are one of the victims. [...] If you have a network printer installed, the bug will prevent you from printing. At this moment, the simplest workaround is to uninstall the KB5006670 update from your system if you have encountered this printing issue.
Oct 18, 2021 - KB5005565 and KB5006670 lost track how to fix shared printers r/windows.
14 September patch (KB5005565) broke all my shared printers, I went to every PC with a shared printer, uninstall the patch and disable windows update for a month and that worked till last week when KB5006670 was up, then shared printers stop working again, but this time I had to go every PC which connect to those printer uninstall the 6670 patch and disable updates in order to print again. I want all PC's updated but I can't afford going though all the fuzzle if is not fixed.
Oct 19, 2021 - Windows 10 KB5006670 update breaks network printers – how to fix it IDG Tech Advisor.
Windows 10 is suffering from yet more printer issues. Many people will have been eager to install the KB5006670 update from 12 October – it fixed a total of 74 vulnerabilities, including one that had already been exploited. However, a new problem has arrived alongside it. This bug affects network printers, preventing users from printing wirelessly using this method. Despite following the usual steps, ‘0x00000709’ or ‘Element not found’ error messages have often been appearing. It’s important to note that not all Windows 10 devices are affected, but it does seem widespread. Printer-related issues have plagued Windows 10 in recent months. They primarily relate to the ‘PrintNightmare’ vulnerability, but there have been other problems concerning the printer spooler - both can be used to gain remote access to affected devices without the user’s permission.
Oct 20, 2021 - KB5006670 for Windows 10 is having quite a few issues, some unconfirmed
Users are reporting however that network printing is not working correctly, and that they receive errors such as "0x00000709" or "Element not found". The issues appear to be related to Microsoft's ongoing attempts to deal with printing related vulnerabilities that are commonly known as PrintNightmare. The issues are exploited actively and common solutions, such as uninstalling the KB5006670, will make the system vulnerable again to these attacks.
Oct 21, 2021 - PrintNightmare - KB5006670 - Poke holes in my plan to abandon my print server without losing automation for mapping printers r/sysadmin.
If November updates do not fix this I’m thinking about bypassing the print server model completely to avoid this constant headache.
Nov 1, 2021 - Windows PrintNightmare status Nov. 1, 2021 (KB5006674, KB5006670)
Microsoft has been patching the PrintNightmare vulnerability since summer, but keeps creating new problems. Even in early Nov. 2021, the printing problems have not been fixed.

Above are all Google search results I considered relevants, for the expression «intitle:"KB5006670" "PrintNightmare"», written in languages I can understand. Completely ignored, due to the low average quality of content: social networking websites; forums; questions and answers websites without reply voting/replier reputation systems; and email discussion lists.

🦊 Firefox: FTP removido ∵ 🔓 inseguro

Firefox Release Notes: 90.0, July 13, 2021.
FTP support has been removed
Caitlin Neiman on Mozilla Addons Blog. What to expect for the upcoming deprecation of FTP in Firefox, Apr 13, 2020.

FTP [...] predates the Web and was not designed with security in mind. Now, we have decided to remove it because it is an infrequently used and insecure protocol. After FTP is disabled in Firefox, people can still use it to download resources if they really want to, but the protocol will be handled by whatever external application is supported on their platform.

Google Group Thread Intent to unship: FTP protocol implementation, Mar 18, 2020.
We're doing this for security reasons. FTP is an insecure protocol and there are no reasons to prefer it over HTTPS for downloading resources. Also, a part of the FTP code is very old, unsafe and hard to maintain and we found a lot of security bugs in it in the past.
We added the telemetry probes in bug 1579507 [1] to see how many users still use FTP. The usage was pretty low as you can see in bug 1570155 [2].
It's not right to waste smart network engineering time on decades old legacy code and it's likely even harder to justify a rewrite.
Christoph Kerschbaumer on Mozilla Security Blog. Blocking FTP subresource loads within non-FTP documents in Firefox 61, May 7, 2018.

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) [is] one of the oldest protocols in use today and has a number of security issues. The fundamental underlying problem with FTP is that any data transferred will be unencrypted and hence sent across networks in plain text, allowing attackers to steal, spoof and even modify the data transmitted. To date, many malware distribution campaigns rely on compromising FTP servers, downloading malware on an end users device using the FTP protocol. Further, FTP makes HSTS protection somewhat useless, because the automated upgrading from an unencrypted to an encrypted connection that HSTS promises does not apply to FTP.

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